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Date: Mon, 25 Jul 94 19:29:27 +1000
From: (Mike Hall)
Subject: blitz's future...
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In Email on Mon 25/7/1994 0:12, the acid monster from hell wrote:
>The other thing Acid needs to take into consideration is the importance
>of publishing stuff developed by Blitz Users, offering the best service
>in this department and taking the financial resources out of Blitz stock
>might also be a viable argument.
let me do pre-release reviews for the blitz coders, shall make em sell
lotssssss more copies! trust me! mohaha.. nah... really! :)
>keep publishing bums, leave new docs until blitz3 which should have
>linker and modern '90's editor instead of 'baby' ted, use money to employ
>programmers to get blitz3 out early 94
That's the one I think would suite Blitz users best...
>republish docs in ringbinder so Blitz2 is on the shelves for XMas and
>upgrade current users using profit for the above
Nah, would still be the same kinda distribution hassles and means
unneccesary ongoing costs for us users requiring the updates.
Making the BUM's into a very large Bottom in the form of an
amigaguide file is the way to go...
>put Blitz2 into pd, publish all docs on disk, support users by publishing
>their software and concentrate on supporting Amiga by py publishing lots
>of choice software
Can you make more from less work going onto the other projects?
If so then I guess it'd be best for you but o'course Blitz will suffer.